Congratulations On Your Achievement
5 Years
Troy Knutson
Robert Pulver
Mark Graziano
Brianne Mulvaney
Daniel Dahl
J. Scott Dyer
10 Years
Stephanie Peterson
Donna Amaro
Shaylene Lockard
Ryan Avison
15 Years
Nicjolas Stevenson
Wayne Egbert
Chris Holt
20 Years
Rick Walter
25 Years
Todd Carmichael
Irene Dahl
40 Years
Rick Evans
Jonathan Steve
45 Years
Niles Nelson
W. Kent Bell
Rickey Clemes
55 Years
Gary Croxford
60 Years
Harold Whitesitt
Awards are presented to MFDA members in good standing and hold an active MT Mortician License

Gary Croxford being presented the award for 55
years of service as a funeral director in the state
of Montana by Terri James, MFDA.

Dean Whitesitt holding his award for 60 years of
service as a funeral director in the state of Montana.