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Pub. 1 2022 Issue 1


Academic Scholarships

Dozens of academic scholarships are awarded annually in two application cycles. Scholarships range from $2,500-$5,000 and are open to full-time or part-time students in good standing enrolled in ABFSE- or Canadian-accredited institutions/programs. Candidates must attend classes and actively pursue a degree in funeral service at the time of application. Academic scholarships are also available for U.S. and Canadian military veterans.

Enrollment Periods:

February 15-April 1 &
September 15-November 1

Available Academic Scholarships

Dennis Schoepp Memorial Scholarship

Preference will be given to students from MONTANA who intend to return to MONTANA after graduation to work in funeral service and are also affiliated with a Montana Funeral Directors Association Member Firm (MFDA). In addition to Foundation submission requirements, students interested in the Dennis Schoepp Memorial Scholarship must also submit a letter of reference/support from an MFDA Member Firm to MFDA (

Foundation ’45 Scholarship

Named in honor of the year the Foundation was established – 1945.

Joseph E. Hagan Memorial Scholarship

Named in memory of one of the profession’s finest.

Memorial Classic Scholarship

Made possible with proceeds from the annual Memorial Classic Golf Tournament.

Shipley Rose Buckner Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open to women in honor of Shipley’s desire to become a funeral director.

Steve Lang Scholarship

Named in honor of Homesteaders’ former CEO, Steve Lang.

SCI National Scholarship Program

We also promote the Brenda Renee Horn and Steve Mack Memorial Scholarships in partnership with the SCI National Scholarship Program. Please direct any questions regarding SCI’s scholarship program to

To apply, visit