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Pub. 3 2024 Issue 3

Board of Funeral Service’s Update

The Montana State Board of Funeral Service held its quarterly meeting on July 17, 2024, in Helena. You can access a full copy of the minutes of the meeting at

The final iteration of the rules package was voted on and, with a unanimous vote, submitted to Gov. Gianforte’s office for approval.

Discussion was held relative to the Montana 2027 Legislative Session to determine the best manner of adding natural organic reduction and alkaline hydrolysis to the laws governing final disposition in the state. The board’s new legal counsel, Jennifer Stallkamp, will be assisting the board with the drafting of bills that the board will be submitting to the next legislative session.

The board is still awaiting appointments from the governor’s office to fill the two vacancies on the board for the mortician and public member positions. The board’s executive officer, Susie Osborne, will provide an update when new appointments are made from the governor’s office.

Board Members Ralph Mihlfeld and Jayson Watkins are currently investigating the license structure within the state. Mr. Mihlfeld and Mr. Watkins are formulating recommendations as to whether or not there should be any changes in order to facilitate a relief in fee structures for licensees.

The next scheduled board meeting will be an in person meeting to be held on Oct. 22, 2024, at 10 a.m. in Helena. For those wishing to attend via Zoom, a link will be provided.

Please contact Board Chair Jim Axelson with any questions or concerns.

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