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Pub. 1 2022 Issue 1

Wide Panoramic Capital Dome Helena Montana State Building

Executive Director Report

Welcome to the first 2022 edition of the Director’s Digest. You will notice we have a new look to our magazine. MFDA has partnered with The newsLINK Group to bring you this professional magazine. We here at the Association hope you enjoy the “new and improved” format.

I trust the start of this new year finds you well and prospering. As we move into the new year, it is important to reflect upon all the challenges we have collectively faced over the last two years. But, it is also important not to let the negatives of 2020 and 2021 keep us from looking forward and recognizing all the positives in our lives.

When I sat to write this article, I recognized it is an even-numbered year, which means one thing – the start of candidates filing to run for the Montana legislature and other political offices. As of January 22, more than 110 candidates have filed for legislative seats.

A complete list of those prospective candidates can be found on the Montana Secretary of State’s website at Please take time to determine who is running for office in your House and Senate districts. The MFDA is always interested in hearing from our membership about candidates you support because of their support of Montana’s funeral industry.

In addition to the state legislative seats, because of the 2020 census, you are likely aware that Montana regained a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a result of this additional congressional seat, Montana has been split into Eastern and Western congressional districts. Matt Rosendale, Montana’s current U.S. House member, has indicated he will run for election in the Eastern District. That means there will be a new and open race for Montana’s Western U.S. House seat this year, with the general election held in November 2022.

Speaking of events happening on the national level, at the end of 2021, MFDA had been closely tracking the Biden Administration’s OSHA-issued Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that required employees (of employers with 100 or more employees) either get vaccinated or test negative weekly. In late December, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision staying the OSHA ETS. However, in early January, the U.S. Supreme Court had the last word on the matter: they permanently barred enforcement of the ETS.

The ETS is just another example of the challenges Montana’s funeral industry has faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s response to it. While the outcome of that litigation was out of our hands, MFDA’s members can continue to control the positive manner in which you help your customers and communities.

One of the ways the industry has responded positively to the pandemic is by helping families – who lost loved ones to COVID – receive financial help from the federal government to cover the cost of associated funeral expenses.

FEMA has provided over $1.47 billion to nearly 226,000 people to assist with COVID-19-related funeral costs for deaths occurring on or after Jan. 20, 2020. In Montana alone, grieving families have received over $2 million in federal COVID-19 loss support. Over 800 applications are being, or have been, processed in the state, thanks to the help of our funeral directors and the association’s guidance.

You may have seen that the MFDA sent out its membership renewal notices in late December. The MFDA Board strongly encourages you to renew your membership or, if you are not a member, to join the Association.

Legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts – tracking the implementation of the ETS, advocating for passage of the Federal BRAVE Act, obtaining a secure and adequate source of funding for the Montana Board of Funeral Services – are only some of the many benefits you receive as an MFDA member. Other benefits include a copy of this trade magazine – the written forum by which the Association provides coverage to MFDA members of industry trends and developments, new and proposed legislation, regulatory issues, and association events and updates. Other important member benefits are the various quality education programs hosted by MFDA to help you fulfill your continuing education requirements.

Finally, we encourage you to attend the MFDA Convention & Trade Show, which, COVID-19 permitting, is planned for June 2-5, 2022, in Helena. Because of the pandemic, the MFDA has been unable to host its annual convention since 2019. The Board hopes we can gather back together in person this year. To this end, the Association has already begun to prepare the convention schedule and activities. You can learn more about the 2022 convention by visiting our webpage at

I hope you enjoy this edition of Director’s Digest. MFDA Board of Directors and staff are proud of the quality of this publication. And we thank those of you who continue to be members of the MFDA, and for all you do on behalf of the industry.

Best wishes for a fun and productive winter and spring.