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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 4

Executive Director Report: Looking Forward to a Prosperous New Year

Welcome to our final edition of the MFDA Directors Digest for 2023. It’s hard to believe another year has come and is on its way out. The end of 2023 marks my eighth year representing the association. It seems like yesterday, the board brought me on board. To quote from line 284 of book 3 of Virgil’s Georgics, “fugit inreparabile tempus” — it escapes, irretrievable time.

I am grateful for having had the good fortune to work with and for such a great group of Montanans. Every day I walk through the doors of my law office, I am inspired anew to serve your interests as you serve the interests of your local communities and families.

Headed into 2024, my team and I are committed to providing you the best service we can — just as we have since 2016. We hope to continue the momentum gained during the last half of this year. As I write this, the association just concluded the online fall district meeting.

We were very fortunate to hear from Melissa Schmidt, also known as the ‘Funeral Babe.’ She gave an informative and heartfelt presentation on cosmetic application tips. In order to ensure that you receive your continuing education credit for attending the district meeting, please get in touch with Terri James with your license number.

The MFDA Board also met in November for the final time in 2023. At that meeting, the Board covered a variety of topics – including reviewing the Association’s finances, the status of the Association’s efforts to shore up the financial situation at the Board of Funeral Services, activities carried out at the MFDA National Convention in Las Vegas and the growth in cremation rates.

As to the last, NFDA reported in early September that the U.S. cremation rate is expected to top 80% by the year 2045. The cremation rate for 2023 was an estimated 60.5% of all dispositions. Montana is quickly becoming a leader in cremations, and the cremation rate in this state is projected to reach 85% by the year 2035.

NFDA also reported that 54% of respondents to their survey cited cost as the primary factor for choosing cremation over a traditional funeral. What is more, NFDA reported that almost 38% of respondents identified that they would prefer their remains to be scattered at a sentimental location as opposed to being buried or through internment.

NFDA’s survey results are something every one of our members should take note of and plan for. The industry is changing due to customer demands. MFDA’s members should be prepared to navigate the changing landscape to remain competitive.

Turning to next year’s events, 2024 is an even-numbered year; thus, the Montana Legislature will not be in session. And consequently, please note that the association will not host a mid-winter conference. However, as requested by you, our membership, MFDA will be holding its five in-person district meetings again in the Spring of 2024. Tyson Moore, Terri James and I will travel the state together and look forward to seeing you in person. We have penciled in the district meetings for May. Please visit the MFDA website regarding times, dates and locations. A 2024 schedule is also listed in this issue of the magazine.

You may have already noticed our 2024 membership renewal notifications and information in your email inbox. Terri James emailed out those membership renewal notices the week of December 1. Starting after Thanksgiving, you should find the hard copies of our membership notices in your mailbox. I am pleased to report that the MFDA Board voted, once again, to keep 2024 membership dues at the same level have been since the year 2000. So when you receive your 2024 MFDA membership notice, we hope our efforts to tighten the Association’s spending belt while expanding member services and programs will be foremost on your mind.

On behalf of the MFDA board and myself, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. MFDA hopes that 2024 is the best year yet for you. We look forward to seeing you at the annual state convention to be held in June in Missoula or at one of the other live MFDA events.

In the meantime, we encourage you to let us know if you have any questions about your membership or the benefits you received therefrom. Further, if there is anything ‘we’ can do to assist you or if there are additional benefits we can add that would be of service to your business, please let us know. Our goal is to help ensure that you have the resources to compete and thrive in today’s challenging business environment.

Thank you for your support of the MFDA; and thank you for the underappreciated service you provide to Montana’s communities. You and your work are valued!

Jim Brown, Esq.
MFDA Executive Director