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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 3

Executive Director Report

Welcome to our post-2023 convention edition of the Directors Digest. I write this article on a rainy summer day, and the rainfall Montana experienced during late spring couldn’t be more of a blessing as it has helped stave off a long, smoky fire season.

The 2023 convention is now in the rear-view mirror, and the 4th of July holiday has come and gone. Like many Americans, I enjoyed a hot dog or two while celebrating the date of our nation’s birth. In that, I was not alone. It is estimated that some 150 million hot dogs were consumed on the 4th — enough to stretch from D.C. to LA.

Held in the middle of June in Miles City, the Convention proved to be an interesting, informative and successful one. The attendees were treated to wagon rides, golfing, and gopher shooting activities, as well as a country barbecue — all things in keeping with Eastern Montana’s cowboy country.

The Convention had its usual great lineup of speakers, including association favorite Dominic Astorino, a moving Service of Remembrance, and lots of quality interaction between MFDA members and MFDA associate members and vendors. We here at MFDA are particularly grateful that Dutch Nie, President-Elect of the NFDA, was able to join us all the way from Michigan. This was not the first time MFDA hosted Dutch and his lovely wife. They joined us at the 2018 Convention held in Great Falls as well. It was good to have them back for a little Montana fun.

Of course, the best part of the annual convention, as I noted during my remarks to the attendees, is the opportunity for peer-to-peer contact. Recently, I read an article about the high value of attending trade conventions and conferences. The authority of the article noted that the #1 benefit of attending a trade convention, identified by attendees, was the opportunity to interact directly with their colleagues. In other words, the opportunity to have face time with their peers was identified as the reason to attend a state convention.

Each year, the MFDA state convention presents the best opportunity for members of Montana’s funeral industry to interact with each other and explore beneficial educational and trade opportunities. As such, if you were not able to attend this year’s convention, we hope to see you at next year’s convention and tradeshow.

During the final convention dinner, the Association acknowledged the terrific year of leadership by now-Past President T.J. Stevenson and his family. T.J. and his family threw themselves wholeheartedly into serving and promoting this association. We also welcomed newly elected MFDA President Tyson Moore of Garden City Funeral Home in Missoula. The Association looks forward to working with Tyson during his term as President.

Speaking of the association board positions, during the convention, the MFDA membership approved the 2023-2024 MFDA Officers, Board of Directors and District Governors. They are as follows:

  • MFDA President: Tyson Moore
  • MFDA Vice President: Steve Kirkegard
  • MFDA Treasurer: Bri Mulvaney
  • MFDA Secretary: Rick Walter
  • MFDA Immediate Past President: T.J. Stevenson
  • NFDA Policy Member: Chris Holt
  • Eastern District Governor: Scott Stevenson
  • Southcentral District Governor: Matt Coon
  • Northcentral District Governor: Austin Asper
  • Southwestern District Governor: Jessie Billquist
  • Western District Governor: Fred Nelson
  • Future Development Leaders Director: Katie Baca

The above-named individuals are assisting the Association and Montana’s funeral industry on a volunteer basis. Serving on the MFDA Board requires both time and effort. And as such, if you see one of these individuals, please take a moment to thank them for their dedication.

I am pleased to share that the MFDA Board has already decided where next year’s convention will be held. After receiving much positive feedback and input from our vendors and members about their preference for the convention location, the MFDA Board has decided that the 2024 Annual Convention will be held in Missoula. We are already looking forward to seeing you at that event.

In addition to having the Annual Convention behind us, the spring MFDA District Meetings have also taken place since our last edition of the Directors Digest was published. In one of his last acts as President of the MFDA, T.J. Stevenson joined Terri James and me as we traveled to the various District Meetings held across the state. The District Meetings were held in Miles City, Billings, Great Falls, Anaconda and Missoula. These meetings are always a great opportunity for MFDA members to earn continuing education credits in a relaxed atmosphere among peers and colleagues. As the spring District Meetings were held in person, the annual Fall District Meeting will be hosted as a virtual event on November 16. So, be on the lookout for more details about that informative online event.

Inside this edition are photographs from both the State Convention and the spring District Meetings. I think you will find them amusing and, perhaps, a bit bemusing. On behalf of Terri and myself, we thank you once again for the confidence you have shown in us. We will continue to do our best to help the association and its members, like you, prosper.

We look forward to seeing you soon. Until such time, enjoy this summer fun fact — mosquitoes, summer’s pests, have been around for more than 30 million years.

Jim Brown, Esq.
MFDA Executive Director