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Pub. 3 2024 Issue 4

Executive Director’s Report: Championing Montana’s Funeral Industry

Welcome to our final 2024 edition of Director’s Digest. Another year is on its way out, and another Montana Legislative Session it on its way in — which reminds me of a famous quote by Gideon Tucker: “No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.”

The 2025 Montana legislature will convene on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. In turn, the legislature is slated to finish later than usual with a sine die date of May 9. This last day is significant because it means the legislative session will bump against NFDA’s Washington Policy Summit, which is set for April 9-11, 2025.

The annual fly-in is the Association’s best opportunity to speak directly with all of our congressional delegation about federal issues and policies which impact Montana’s funeral industry. As such, MFDA always encourages any and all of its members to join us in Washington, D.C., to meet with our two senators and Montana’s two House members. But, just because the annual trip to our nation’s capital does not yet happen for a few months, MFDA’s policy and legislative work continues year-round on behalf of you, MFDA’s membership.

Speaking of Washington, D.C., as of the date I am writing this, the United States Congress is adjourned due to the Nov. 5 election date. Congress is set to reconvene in late November and early December to conclude its budget and legislative work for the year. As a result of the recent election, the Republican Party now has control of both the U.S. House and Senate. And, as part of that year‑end legislative crunch, MFDA is working with Montana’s congressional delegation to ensure that as much of MFDA’s regulatory relief agenda is enacted into law as possible. 

Turning back to Montana, the 2025 Legislative Session will be a tough one for legislators. If you have picked up a newspaper or turned on a news broadcast over the last several months, you have heard that property tax is a hot button issue. What is more, the Medicaid coverage expansion bill enacted by the 2019 Montana Legislature is up for renewal this coming session. Medicaid expansion is always a controversial topic. And, with Montana experiencing record budget surpluses, you can bet there will be a lot of political posturing and a lot of wheeling and dealing to get the constitutionally required House Bill 2, the state spending bill, enacted into law.

Speaking of the 2025 legislature, the recent election outcome results in the Republican Party having, once again, control of both the Montana State Senate and House of Representatives. However, unlike 2023, the Republicans do not have a super majority — though Republicans still have a heavy majority going into the January session. Further, Republicans maintained control of all statewide offices, including governor.

The Association is pleased to announce the dates when MFDA will be hosting its biannual State Legislative Advocacy Meeting. MFDA has scheduled Feb. 5-6, 2025, as the dates for the membership to come to Helena to meet with their legislators and their professional colleagues to advocate on behalf of Montana’s funeral industry. As we get closer to these dates, MFDA will provide more detail on the planned legislative dinner and associated advocacy activities. In the meantime, make sure to mark those February dates on your calendar and make your plans now to meet us in Helena at the Great Northern Best Western Hotel.

As previously discussed, strong legislative advocacy and good public policy are two of the major benefits the association provides to its members. For the last several years, the MFDA Board of Directors has stepped up its public profile and is doing even more outreach to Montana’s elected officials and to the public about the great work done by Montana’s funeral providers. However, to maximize our efforts, the association needs your input as to the legislative and regulatory issues most important to your business. We also need to know what MFDA can be doing better to maximize your membership dues. So, let us hear from you before the session starts on Jan. 6. And, we look forward to seeing you in both Helena and in Washington, D.C., in 2025.

As this will be the final Director’s Digest before the year’s end of 2024, let me take this opportunity to remind you that you will have seen your membership renewals hit your mailbox around the middle of December. The MFDA has a well-deserved reputation for maximizing your dues, while keeping the increase of dues in check — despite rising costs. MFDA has one mission, and one mission only — that is to champion Montana’s funeral industry. Whether it is advocacy services, member relations, community outreach or providing access to vendors and providers, when you renew your membership with MFDA, your membership gives you unmatched access to a variety of benefits designed to benefit your business, your customers and the communities you serve.

Terri James and I have enjoyed serving you these past nine years. We look forward to seeing you in the coming new year. We promise to keep our New Year’s resolution, which is to make MFDA even stronger in 2025. And that’s no small goal, given that estimates demonstrate that only about 8% of people keep their resolutions all year long.

Thanks for being a part of team MFDA.

James Brown

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