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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 1

Legislator Update: 2023 Montana Legislative Priority Bills

This story appears in the
Directors Digest Pub 2 2023 Issue 1

Each year, MFDA works hard to make a positive impact on the laws and regulations that directly affect funeral service professionals in our state. This year is no exception, and we have two priority bills: 

HB 505 — Sponsored by Nelly Nicol of Billings 

This bill will raise the statutory cap on the amount of a funeral insurance policy. 

Current law caps the amount at $15,000 regardless of need or circumstance. The cap has not been raised since the late 2000s, and, as such, the Legislature has not allowed the cap to keep up with inflation. HB 505 will raise the cap from $15,000 to $25,000.

SB 244 — Sponsored by Mike Cuffe of Eureka 

This bill will revise Montana law governing licensing of morticians and is designed to give Montana more flexibility in recruiting and hiring students into the funeral industry. 

At present, in order to be licensed as a mortician in Montana, an applicant must complete a one-year, in-state internship after having passed the required exam. Other states do not require an internship to be conducted prior to being licensed or allow the internship to be done prior to or after passing the exam. 

The result of this is that graduates of mortician schools are choosing to work in states that allow them to be immediately licensed rather than coming to Montana where the internship requirement stands as a barrier to full employment. SB 244 would amend Montana law to allow the required internship to be served either prior to or after taking the exam (i.e., the internship could be served while the student is in school or after the exam is taken). This is a pro-jobs bill that is in keeping with the Governor’s Red Tape Initiative.

For more information about the MFDA or its priority legislation, please contact Brad Longcake, who is serving as MFDA’s lobbyist for the 2023 legislative session. Mr. Longcake can be contacted by calling 406-438-1276 or by emailing the association at