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Pub. 3 2024 Issue 1

Lion World Vision Institute: Giving the Gift of Sight

We often use the word “legacy” to describe the incredible gift of sight a person who becomes a cornea donor leaves to a grateful recipient. Through the act of cornea donation, the gift of sight is given to a perfect stranger by a donor and that impacts the recipient(s) and their community’s lives in ways the donor will never know.

Formally known as SightLife, Lions World Vision Institute (LWVI) is dedicated to serving donor families and the community through tissue and cornea donation. This nonprofit organization is committed to honoring vision as a basic human right, helping over 100 men, women and children every day gain restored eyesight through corneal transplants.

LWVI works closely with funeral professionals to facilitate the care of donor families while anticipating any difficulties that may arise for the funeral home due to the donation process. The mission of LWVI cannot be accomplished without partnering with funeral professionals like the Montana Funeral Directors Association who work tirelessly to comfort and care for donor families.

Mike Meyer, Regional Development Manager for LWVI, is a certified eye bank technician through the Eye Bank Association of America. He has been with the LWVI nonprofit for 27 years. During this time, he has been involved in every aspect of the eye bank recovery process. His current focus is to improve the donation process in Washington, Idaho and Montana for those involved with deaths and recoveries that occur outside of the hospital setting. This includes working with coroners, medical examiners and funeral homes.

For more information about the donation process and to get involved, please call (800) 214-6356 or visit

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