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Pub. 1 2022 Issue 4

MFDA Fall District Meetings

The first District Meeting was held in Billings, MT, at the Windmill Bar and Grill. District Governor Matt Coon of Medallion Vault and Casket held a cocktail hour followed by dinner with guest speaker, Sgt. Jay Nelson from the Montana Highway Patrol with an active shooter/incident training. Speakers also included MFDA President T.J. Stevenson and MFDA Executive Director Jim Brown with industry-related updates.

The following evening, we met in Miles City at the Black Iron Grill. District Governor Scott Stevenson held a cocktail reception followed by dinner for a very large audience from the Eastern District. Guest speakers included Dr. Willy Kemp from the Montana Crime Lab, Sam Pontillo of Federated Insurance, MFDA President T.J. Stevenson, and MFDA Assistant Terri James with association updates.

Awards were presented to Nic Stevenson for 15 years as an MFDA member and to his father, Jon Stevenson for 40 years. Awards were presented by MFDA President T.J. Stevenson, their cousin, and nephew respectively.

The third stop of district meetings was held in Butte, MT, at the Metals Sports Bar and Grill, hosted by District Governor Jesse Billquist and MFDA Secretary, Bri Mulvaney. This event followed the same agenda with cocktails followed by updates and news from MFDA President and MFDA Executive Director. The guest speaker was Deacon Dan McGrath, with a presentation on “The Wisdom of Companioning the Bereaved.”

The next two district meetings had to be rescheduled to do a winter storm.

Special thanks to our associate members who joined us in Miles City and in Billings, Chris Albrecht of LifeNet Health, Cameron Axelson of Garfield Refining, Mike Meyers of SightLife, and Sam Pontillo of Federated Insurance.