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Pub. 3 2024 Issue 4

Montana Board of Funeral Service Update

On Oct. 22, 2024, the full Montana Board of Funeral Service met in Helena.

The meeting started off on a somber note as Board Chair Jim Axelson and Board Executive Officer Susie Osborne both acknowledged the recent passing of Board Member and Montana Funeral Director Jayson Watkins. Jayson was a longtime Montana funeral director and general manager at Buffalo Hills funeral home in Kalispell as well as a conscientious member of the Montana Board of Funeral Service.

The board welcomed two new members. LiElla Kelly is the new public member on the board, and Chris Holt is the new mortician member of the board. Congratulations on being appointed to the Board of Funeral Service!

The board meeting was attended by Kevin Bragg who is the bureau chief for the office of professional licensing and registration for the Montana Department of Labor and Industry.

Mr. Bragg commented on several bills that will be introduced in the 2025 Montana Legislative Session. Some bills fall under the realm of standardizing pathways to professional licensure in the state of Montana. According to Mr. Bragg, the intent of the bills is to clarify, standardize and streamline application processes across the broad range of occupational licensing. Other bills that will be introduced detail processes for complaints and complaint resolution.

The Board of Funeral Service asked that copies of the various bills be sent to all board members for further education. Board Executive Officer Susie Osborne has provided these copies, and the Montana Board is working to better understand and clarify the effects of the bills.

The Board had a lengthy discussion on Funeral Service Licensing fees. We are quite aware of the disproportionate fees in Montana and are working diligently to find a pathway forward to help change the fee structure in Montana.

The Board discussed the need for regular reports from the state inspectors who are tasked with ongoing inspections of mortuaries and crematories. We asked that an ongoing agenda item be placed for a report from the Department of Labor and Industry inspector. This was a customary practice in the past but has not been taking place.

I would also like to mention that, with the untimely passing of Jayson Watkins, a seat on the board has opened for a licensed mortician. If you are interested or know someone who is interested, please apply.

Overall, I would say that the board meeting was incredibly positive. We are having regularly scheduled meetings and moving forward for the betterment of funeral service in Montana. I am excited to see the progress that is being made. 

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