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Pub. 3 2024 Issue 4

NFDA Update

Well, here we are starting a new year. Wow, how time has passed. 

Here’s an update on what the NFDA has coming up. We will be flying into D.C. for the Advocacy Summitt in April of 2025. With the new administration and some new Montana lawmakers it should be an interesting event. This is our opportunity, as MFDA, to join NFDA in meeting with with the Montana delegation and their staff to bring our issues and concerns to Washington, D.C. 

It is always an interesting and fascinating experience going on Capitol Hill and engaging with our lawmakers. If anyone has the time and wants to come and advocate for our industry, this is a great opportunity to do so, and I am humbled and honored to represent Montana with the NFDA to advocate on your behalf. 

As usual we are still working on the main issues that face our industry:

  • Health Savings Accounts. New legislation was introduced in the House of Representatives, the Funeral Coverage Act of 2024 (H.R. 7963), would designate funeral expenses as a qualified expense eligible for coverage under Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). This means that families who have saved money for healthcare expenses can use those funds for funeral and burial expenses after the person dies and no longer needs the money for healthcare costs. 
  • The Consensual Donation and Research Integrity Act (S. 2191/H.R. 4275). This has been introduced in both the House and Senate and will provide the secretary of Health and Human Services with oversight and authority over facilities that receive donated human bodies and body parts for education and research. The bill will protect the dignity of donors and give families peace of mind by creating standards for inspection, chain of custody, labeling and packaging, and proper disposition. 
  • We are still not in the clear with the EPA and formaldehyde. It seems there is still some discussion and rumblings on the effects of formaldehyde in our industry. We were told there will be some more panel meetings and studies to come. Stay tuned. 
  • The Funeral Rule is being reviewed by the FTC. This issue is to keep on our radars. There are meetings and committees on the revisions, but nothing has been implemented or moved on yet. We need to keep this in mind and wait and see what will transpire with the new administration — I’m not sure how this will play out. 

I want to thank everyone for their service to individuals and families in their communities. Remember, the MFDA works for all of us in our industry and with the NFDA. Wishing all a Happy New Year. God bless. 

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