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Pub. 1 2022 Issue 2


President’s Message: TJ Stevenson

Featured photo above: At the recent MFDA convention in Helena, Chris Holt passed the president’s gavel to newly elected president, TJ Stevenson.

To all the MFDA members,

What a fantastic convention we had in Helena! It was full of positive conversation and interaction being able to meet face-to-face. A big thank you to Jim Brown and Terri James for putting together another successful convention. The speakers were all outstanding with very good information. An additional note of thanks to our vendors for their support, attendance, and excellent booth setups. We all appreciate the partnership we share in Funeral Service.

Also, a shout to Chris Holt for his leadership during the two difficult years of the pandemic. There were many challenges, but he did a great job in every way representing the state of Montana and our association.

I am very humbled and honored to be elected as your president for this year. I am looking forward to a leadership conference in July with the NFDA in Florida. I am ready to learn and grow and bring back ideas to share with all of you to better the funeral service in our great state. I feel we are very fortunate with the quality of people we have in our membership, and I look forward to getting to know you all better throughout the year. I hope if you ever have a question or ideas that you please call or email me; I would much appreciate your input.

Our MFDA Convention will be held in Miles City at the recently opened new event center. I will promise good food, education, and entertainment. We are excited to host the first convention East of Billings. More details will be provided as we organize this event as it will be one you and your family will not want to miss!

Congratulations are in order as well for our Executive Director Jim Brown, moving on from the primary election for State Supreme Court Justice. We wish you the best with your upcoming campaign for the general election in November.

Wishing everyone a great summer with your business and with your family adventures. As we have all especially learned the last two years is how important our relationships are with those we have in our lives.

With Gratitude,
TJ Stevenson