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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 3

President’s Message: Together, We Can Do Great Things

I look forward to meeting with many of you over the next year and listening to how we can better serve the members of this association and the families we care for.

Not unlike the change in seasons, we as an association once again find ourselves in a period of transition. I appreciate the trust you have placed in me, and the others who serve our association, as we navigate the next few months within the Montana Funeral Directors Association.

We recently experienced a great summer convention in Miles City, MT. Thank you to all who attended, sponsored and worked so hard to make this convention a success. It was wonderful to meet so many new folks from the far reaches of the state.

Our association is strong and growing, and that speaks volumes about you and your commitment to the families you serve. As we know, the world is changing at a rapid pace and funeral service, though perhaps not as the same rate, is changing as well. This association is a great tool to help navigate the changes we face as an industry and continue to care for the people of Montana.

We, as leadership, welcome your thoughts, ideas and concerns as we work together to expand on over 120 years of collaboration in providing the highest level of care in funeral service. Vince Lombardi once said, and I paraphrase, that individual commitment to a group effort is what makes a team, company, society and civilization work. It takes effort from all of us to do great things. I am thankful for those who have paved the path we are on now and offer my appreciation to T.J. Stevenson for a job well done this past year. It was busy, and he represented us well.

I look forward to meeting with many of you over the next year and listening to how we can better serve the members of this association and the families we care for. Feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or concerns.

Thank you all again for a great convention as well as the support and trust you give our association.

Tyson Moore