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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 1

By T.J. Stevenson

It is hard to believe that we are well into the new year already. With our fall district meetings in both Great Falls and Missoula getting canceled, I look forward to seeing everyone at the spring district meetings in May. 

By James Brown, Executive Director, MFDA

Now that the calendar has rolled over into another new year, I am reflecting on the importance of focusing on what members of MFDA do for a living and what the funeral profession does for Montana’s local communities. This is because, as the author E. Stanley Jones stated, “Whatever gets your attention . . . gets you.”

By The Montana Funeral Directors Association
By Terri James, Association Assistant
By The Montana Funeral Directors Association
By The Montana Funeral Directors Association
By The Montana Funeral Directors Association
By The Montana Funeral Directors Association
By The Montana Funeral Directors Association

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