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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 3

By Tyson Moore

Not unlike the change in seasons, we as an association once again find ourselves in a period of transition. I appreciate the trust you have placed in me, and the others who serve our association, as we navigate the next few months within the Montana Funeral Directors Association.

By James Brown, Esq., Executive Director

Welcome to our post-2023 convention edition of the Directors Digest. I write this article on a rainy summer day, and the rainfall Montana experienced during late spring couldn’t be more of a blessing as it has helped stave off a long, smoky fire season.

By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By Chris Holt, NFDA State Association Representative
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association

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