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Pub. 2 2023 Issue 4

By Tyson Moore

Time moves so quickly, and we find ourselves at the end of yet another year. Looking at events of the past year, I want to thank you all for your participation in supporting our association.

By James Brown, Esq., Executive Director

Welcome to our final edition of the MFDA Directors Digest for 2023. It’s hard to believe another year has come and is on its way out. The end of 2023 marks my eighth year representing the association. It seems like yesterday, the board brought me on board. To quote from line 284 of book 3 of Virgil’s Georgics, “fugit inreparabile tempus” — it escapes, irretrievable time.

By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By National Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By National Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By the Montana Funeral Directors Association
By James Brown, Esq., MFDA Executive Director

See what else is inside

Inside you will find additional information such as upcoming webinars, conferences, previous events, anniversaries, and more.

You can download the PDF of the publication by opening the Flipping Book and clicking the download button at the bottom.

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