Pub. 2 2023 Issue 2

The Power of Welcoming Words: Five Ways to Build Your Funeral Home’s Reputation

This story appears in the
Directors Digest Pub. 2 2023 Issue 2

This break-out session during the upcoming 2023 MFDA Convention and Trade Show in Miles City, will give funeral directors the opportunity to craft welcoming words to build their business reputation. The use of welcoming words has the possibility to change lives and truly show people that you care.

The April 2023 edition of the American Funeral Director’s Education Guide opened with a column by Patti Martin Bartsche. She wrote of her grandfather: “One of his most valuable life lessons was shared in three words. ‘Listen and learn.’” Listen with your heart and be sure to hear what is said. Then speak.

On the facing page, in the table of contents in that guide, an article caught my attention immediately: “Five Ways to Ruin Your Funeral Home’s On-line Reputation.” Certainly not what a business wants for their future.

Too often our decisions get out of whack in our haste to deal with a situation. Whether it’s distraction, disinterest, or fear, it benefits us to pay attention to what is being said to us. We need to exercise restraint and discernment in what we say in response to what we have heard.

Ways to build your business reputation:

  1. Become known for warm unspoken words of welcome: Welcoming and measured body language can ease tension. Calm, quiet and peaceful, set the tone for how to proceed. Kindness and genuine caring make it possible for people to face dealing with final preparations in a dignified manner. Find out the clients’ needs. Let them know that you care.
  2. Give welcoming words away lavishly: Professionals in the funeral business are faced daily with families and individuals that need to hear words of welcome in their over-whelmed world. Although not spoken, clients will be looking for direction and purpose in a time of distress when decision-making is required.
  3. Listen with focus and clarify: Keen ears can pick up on nuances that are not clearly stated by a client. Engaged listening and choosing welcoming words can provide a powerful way to connect with people who need caring guidance and help. These actions can reinforce that you are there to be of service.
  4. Be confident in how you direct folks: Do not try and push an agenda or product. Listen to felt needs. Gently lead. Let folks know they are cared for and appreciated. Thank them for trusting you in their need.
  5. Be sincere and genuine in the words that are used: Satisfied customers result in personal referrals back to your business. Without clients, you don’t have a business. 

Please join us for a session on the “Power of Welcoming Words.” Learn about simple and effective ways, to show people that you do care. If you have questions ahead of the convention, please feel free to email me at